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How To Generate Payslip In DVNAPMS ?

Whenever our customers start using this software first time to generate payslip, then they have to configure some pre requisite data entry which is known as payslip setup configuration of DVNAPMS. These pre requisite data entries are vary from Hospital to Hospital because each Hospital has their own process or thought and add on features. Step by Step Setup Guide for payslip is as given below.

Step1. Login Panel for HR Role

Go to your URL like and click on it then it will open login panel, authenticate your employee login by putting user name and password. Before start payslip generation procedure you should confirm about your role. Your user login must have human resource group (HR) role in DVNAPMS. Only HR or Administrator can generate payslip. This feature is secured feature and according to security risk of organization. It has limited access on pay slip generation.


Step2. Click on Payslip Grid Page

Click on login button. Then it will open containts page as shown in below. Here you can see multiple links in left side panel. Now you have to click on payslip grid page link as shown in below. It will open payslip grid page.

Select Payslip Grid Containts

Step3. Go to Details Column and Click on View

Select Payslip Grid Containts

Step4. Monthly Payslip Page

Whenever, You will click on view link then it will open payslip page. Here you will see the salary component, bank and pan details, loan and EMI details of employee. If your employee has taken loan from your company then it will show the component of loan otherwise loan and EMI details will be blank.

Monthly Payslip Page

Step5. Salary Deduction of an employee.

Paid Leave By Employer Or Employee: Here it means employer or employee will pay the money of leave. There is no any salary deduction when employer will pay the money of leave. Because your leave is according to employer paid leave policy. If your leave is not fall in employer paid leave policy then your salary will be deduct. This type of leave policy is called paid leave by employee.

You can also deduct the salary of an employee according to your requirement. Go to leave in month text box and put the leave and select the option of paid leave "No". Here "No" means employee will pay the money of leave. Whenever you will select no then it will automatic deduct the salary of employee. If your option selected yes then salary will not deduct. It means employeer given leave to employee which paid salary. Click on save button to save the information after that click on view payslip to view the payslip. Whenever you will click on view payslip then it will generate payslip of that employee. You can update the salary of employee. Made your change according to your requirement and click on update button. It will update every component of salary.

Monthly Payslip Page Save

Step6. Print Payslip In Pdf format.

Drop Down Menu Select

Step7. Payslip Report.

View Report

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